Updater Jobs

Our engineering team

We build solutions to the real-world headaches inherent in moving that affect 31 million people each year.

A better way to interview

We take a unique approach to interviewing and have been featured in BuiltInNYC for it.

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Our engineering groups

Frontend Engineering

Frontend builds user experiences that allow our users to actually enjoy the myriad of tasks needed to move homes. Fast, delightful, and flexible. These are some of the attributes that our product engineers bring to their craft. They build native mobile applications, web sites and support for integrations into other web sites, and they focus on a wide variety of tools.

Backend Engineering

Tight integrations with our partners are core to fast and delightful user experiences, and this group builds services, integrations, and data management software that sets Updater apart from other companies. Building services, event streams, or data driven decision making systems – they do it all with scalability and stability in mind. 


Plans are nothing, planning is everything. Focused on identifying the right approach to solving problems is one of the most challenging tasks. The bigger the organization the harder it is to ensure we really take the time to think about the best pattern to solving problems. Our Architecture group supports engineers by helping develop skills that are applied across the entire organization, giving us reliable consistency in how we build software to solve complex problems.


Every line of code that moves our products forward is the one of the most valuable lines of code. Our DevOps team focuses on bringing automation and technology to provide scalable solutions to our execution environments. They also build the developer experience which allows us to automate away the repetition and focus on building.


QA focuses on automation and platforms to give our engineers the best tools to write and execute their tests. Bringing new technology & thinking to old problems is how they build test suites that are stable, maintenance free, and fast.

Our technology stack

Meet our team leads

Life at Updater